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How to Find Undervalued Altcoins on CoinMarketCap

How to Find Undervalued Altcoins on CoinMarketCap

In this article, I will discuss the How to Find Undervalued Altcoins on CoinMarketCap.

The world of cryptocurrency can be intimidating, but you’d be delighted to know that there are promising altcoins on CoinMarketCap that can be identified through the tools available on the site.

We will focus on the different features and approaches that can help you discover these gems in the crypto sphere.

What Are Undervalued Altcoins?

Undervalued altcoins are cryptocurrencies that are believed and regarded to be trading below their real value by varying measures.

What Are Undervalued Altcoins?

These coins, for example, have strong fundamentals like real-life use cases, active dev teams, and adoption potential, but are underpriced at the moment.

Investors hope to make great returns from these coins during a market correction since they are considered as opportunities for great altcoins.

How to Find Undervalued Altcoins on CoinMarketCap

How to Find Undervalued Altcoins on CoinMarketCap

Here is how you can find underrated altcoins on CoinMarketCap:

Check out CoinMarketCap

Go to the CoinMarketCap page and log into your account.

Look for Altcoins

Search for particular altcoins using the provided tool or scroll through the vast collection of cryptocurrencies.

Set a Market Cap Filter

Use the currency filter options to sort cryptocurrencies into ranked tables, specifically those with lower market caps.

Look at the Trading Volume Index

Altcoins with respectable trading volume indices need to be commonplace, since higher volume indicates stronger liquidity.

Evaluate Altcoins Movements

Track the price changes of the selected altcoins over a few weeks or months to flag those that showcase a potential incline.

Read Each Projects Guidelines Thoroughly

For each altcoin, click on individual coin pages to note essential details like the project’s whitepaper, team, and recent news.

Create Custom Alerts

Establish alerts for target altcoins that notify you when phrases of interest are included in the headlines.

Using CoinMarketCap’s Tools to Find Undervalued Altcoins

Open an Account on CoinMarketCap: Now that you have an account, go ahead and access it so that you have a seamless experience on the website.

Look for Altcoins: With the search button, you can either type in the name of the specific altcoin you are looking for or take a look at the available list of cryptocurrencies. Use the cap or low market cap filters.

Volume: Ensure trading volume shows altcoins with a mid level amount traded because higher trading volumes suggest there is more liquidity.

Price Movement: Check the coin’s historical price data to find coins that have the best potential for growth.

Check Information for Individual Coins: Go through the respective pages of the coins where one can find details about the community, project’s whitepaper, news and the development team.

Monitor Information Regarding Your Selected Coins: Use the alert feature to get news and changes in regard to the price of your selected altcoins.

Key Indicators to Identify Undervalued Altcoins

Market Capitalization

Compared to more established coins, coins with a relatively lower market cap frequently present with greater prospects of growth.

Trading Volume

Volume of trading indicates the interest in a given market. Higher trading volumes are associated with better liquidity.

Coins that are capable of growth can be detected through the analysis of historical pricing movement.

Development Team

Success in projects and subsequent innovations depend on strong active development teams.

Community Engagement

Community support engagement provides value appreciation and can also enhance the value of a project.


Demand for the coins that are solving real life issues or provide unique applications tends to be higher.


Alliances with reputable companies can point towards the potential of a coin.


To sum it up, your strategy in looking for undervalued altcoins on CoinMarketCap should be more strategic.

Search for coins with low market caps and considerable trading volumes making use of the platforms search and filter tools. Look into their price history as well as the details of the project like the development team, community, and other factors that indicate utility.

It is wise to monitor key projects, set price alerts and pay attention to recent news and partnerships in order to find promising but undervalued altcoins.

Following these instructions aids discerning investment choices which may result in discovering the underserved portions of the cryptocurrency market.

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Articles about cryptocurrency usage, account deletion and how-to guides are written by Muffin Lomboda. For nearly three years, Muffin has been actively involved in the crypto industry and this has given him enough skills to offer useful tips aimed at guiding people on their digital journeys.