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Why Binance Is Banned in the Philippines: Key Reasons Explained

Why Binance Is Banned in the Philippines: Key Reasons Explained

In this article, I will talk about Why Binance is banned in the Philippines. The article will focus on the reasons for such a significant regulatory decision.

Binance, one of the largest online cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, has been investigated by Philippines authorities because of failure to comply with their obligations, licencing terms and protection of the consumers.

This prohibition underlines the relevance of the regulatory frameworks in the country’s developing crypto market. With these factors, it becomes evident what the problems of Binance are and what does it mean for the crypto business of the Philippines.

What is Binance?

Binance launched in 2017 under the direction of Changpeng Zhao (CZ) and Yi He, establishing itself as an international platform for crypto currency trading. By its volume, Binance is the world’s number one trading exchange, with a broad variety of operations, such as spot and future trading as well as options and staking.

What is Binance?

It allows users to trade more than 350 cryptocurrencies, making it one of the biggest platforms, with surprisingly low fees and advanced trading options. Also, the platform educates users through Binance Academy and helps the needy through Binance Charity.

The Company’s mission is to become a crypto economy’s backbone, actively endorsing financial liberty and inclusion all over the world.

Why Binance Is Banned in the Philippines

Why Binance Is Banned in the Philippines

Currently, it is observed that due to the actions taken by the Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Binance is prohibited from operating in the Philippines. The causes for the ban are highlighted below:

Lack of proper licensing: Binanase was providing investment and trading services without having the license from the SEC.

Risk them to the investors: The SEC asserted that the further provision of the Binance platform would threaten the security of investing in the Filipino peoples funds.

Regulatory Framework: There are local laws such as Securities Regulation Code (Republic Act No. 8799) which were not observe by Binance.

Co-Operation with the Government: SEC cooperated with the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) in blocking the access to Binance in the country.

All these measures seem to have affected deeply the operations of Binance in the Philippines and in turn many Filipino crypto users.

Regulatory Landscape in the Philippines

The law structure in the Philippines is complex having its own or international regulations, and covers labor laws, taxation, environment and sector regulations.

MULTNATIONAL Lorem ipsum text goes here Reforms made recently by TRAIN Law Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion and CREATE act Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises seek to make the tax system simpler and easy to understand for businesses.

The Ease of Doing Business Act focusses on reducing unnecessary processes and integration of business functions. Also, the Governance Act in conjunction with Data Protection Act monitors and safeguards the consumer’s information.

Reasons for the Ban

Reasons for the Ban

Binance’s operations in the Philippines were suspended due to its noncompliance with regulatory laws. The local Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has prohibited the functioning of the exchange since it was not issued with the proper licenses.

This was a threat to the Filipino investor’s safety concerning his or her funds and assets.1 The SEC directed the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to cut off the access of the people in the Philippines to the Binance website and any other online services of the exchange. The ban’s official application commenced on March 25, 2024.

Impact on Users

If you’re a user of Binance in the Philippines, you might have noticed several changes after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a ban on the use of the platform.

Access to Services: Most Binance users in the Philippines can no longer access the platform and in turn have become unable to trade in cryptocurrencies.

Financial Losses: Binance users that had sufficient funds and assets on the platform are most likely to have difficulties withdrawing and using their investments.

Uncertainty: There is Lack of communication on both parts an SEC and Binance which in turn creates apprehension, distrust and insecurity also known as (FUD) in the local community.

Market Disruption: With the ban in place, the Philippine crypto market has been disturbed making it difficult for locals to trade crypto in a more cost-effective manner.

Regulatory Compliance: Needless to say users are much more mindful of trading on platforms that are not registered and are looking at suitable alternatives.

Owing to the heated plans and legal proceedings taken against the Binance platform, it puts the crypto users in Philippines at a disadvantage position. Most users are pessimistic regarding the entire situation.


In summary, Binance was banned in the Philippines because it did not pass and adhere to the regulatory obligations required for the country. Binance was operating without the required licenses according to the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission which is a threat to Filipino investors.

This regulation further illustrates the necessity for adhering to financial regulations for all parties so that the safety of users’ funds is preserved. The ban is also evidence of the transparency and security of the financial environment of the country that the SEC wants to hold.

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Articles about cryptocurrency usage, account deletion and how-to guides are written by Muffin Lomboda. For nearly three years, Muffin has been actively involved in the crypto industry and this has given him enough skills to offer useful tips aimed at guiding people on their digital journeys.